Sokoto Safe Space

ACE Charity Africa

Sokoto State remains one of the top three states in Nigeria with the highest rate of out-of-school children, driven by factors such as poverty, limited access to schools, banditry, and socio-cultural norms.

Through our Sokoto Safe Space, ACE Charity addresses this challenge by providing out-of-school children, who are only enrolled in Quranic schools, with foundational literacy, numeracy, and social skills over an 18-month period in a rural community in Sokoto State, Nigeria. These classes are strategically scheduled on weekends in the mornings, allowing students to attend before their Quranic lessons.

The safe space is fully equipped with adequate learning materials, WASH facilities, and trained local facilitators to ensure a quality learning experience. Upon graduation, beneficiaries receive back-to-school support, including learning kits and scholarships, to facilitate their transition into formal education.

Monitoring and evaluation data collected at baseline, midline, and endline have shown a significant increase in numeracy and literacy rates among beneficiaries after graduation. Moreover, these students demonstrate higher learning outcomes compared to their peers when they transition back to formal schools.